page:borders, sidebar:headers:colors, header:nav links:colors

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  • 7 questions

    kit_e wrote in s2expressive Aug 25, 2008 21:31

    I just started to work with Expressive and there are some things left I canˇt find out.

    1. How do I change color of "Recent Entries" for same as "Archive" and so on? And separators color between?
    2. How to make this line vanish? (My base is California Poppy, Expressive by )
    3. How to change color of  "Profile" link if other headers ( Read more... )

    sidebar:headers, entries:header:colors, header:nav links:colors, entries:metadata, sidebar:borders

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  • Navlink font (Solved)

    erase_away wrote in s2expressive Jul 30, 2008 10:45

    Hello. I'm new to the whole CSS thing and am completely lost ( Read more... )

    $acct level:basic or plus, header:nav links:colors

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